Butte-Silver Bow (BSB), Butte Local Development Corporation (BLDC) and the Butte Chamber of Commerce are excited to welcome WAUSAU Supply Company to the Montana Connections Business Development Park. WAUSA is a large building supply company located in Billings and Great Falls, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, South Dakota, Kansas and Washington state that will be starting construction on a 150,000 square foot regional distribution center and warehouse.

Local business owner Doug Stordahl knew WAUSAU was in the market for a newly expanded distribution center and recommended he look around Butte. The BLDC, BSB and the Chamber met with WAUSAU President, Charlie Herwig, in October 2019 and toured him around potential building sites in the area. Charlie liked what was available in Montana Connections with transportation options, plenty of buildable vacant land and great infrastructure including water, sewer, gas, electricity and broadband. WAUSAU representatives made a return trip to Butte to hammer out the details of the land requirements and discuss possible incentives.
Working with local engineers and contractors it was determined that WAUSAU would need about 25-28 acres for their future development. Because most of the developable property in Montana Connections is owned by BSB, BSB can work with developers on creating ideal building sites.