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The Montana Connections Park and the Port of Montana

The Benefits of Having the Port of Montana within MCBDP boundaries

As we’ve discussed on this blog before, the Port of Montana is a full-service transload, warehouse and distribution facility. It’s specially designed to help businesses thrive, with all the necessary equipment, staffing and space to help companies expand into new markets, without costing a fortune.

Located within the boundaries of our industrial park, the Port boasts numerous benefits to all of our clients. Here are five ways the Port can help your business take off.

The Port of Montana is a designated Foreign Trade Zone

A Foreign Trade Zone is an area within the United States physically, but outside of U.S. customs territory. In layman’s terms that means goods are not subject to import tariffs, helping with cash-flow and inventory control, among numerous other benefits. (Read more about the benefits of Foreign Trade Zones.)

The Port is the only designated FTZ within a five-state radius — which means it’s the only spot within a five-mile radius that offers such valuable tax benefits.

Tap into MCBDP’S Transportation hub

Nestled at the intersection of major interstates I-15 and I-90, along both the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroads, the MCBDP is the gateway to the west and its numerous manufacturing cities, like Salt Lake City and Seattle. There are many benefits of being a transportation hub and with the transload and distribution services of the Port, it’s easy to tap into those benefits.

A map of the railroad system in Butte Montana

The Port helps your business transfer rail shipments to trucks, truck-to-truck and truck-to-rail. Moreover, the Port will load and store products and commodities from rail cars to truck for “Just-in-Time” delivery, offer pick-and-pack services and help with scheduling and shipment coordination.

All of the Port’s distribution procedures are with you in mind — with efficiency and safety the top priorities.

Access to equipment

The Port’s equipment is of top quality and fits the needs of businesses across all industries. It houses 124,00 square feet of indoor storage, 250-rail car storage spaces, five docking areas and two certified scales. And Port equipment can move up to 86,000 pounds per unit.

Speciality equipment includes:

  • Bulk, liquid and gas handling and storage
  • Forklift capacity up to 46,000 pounds
  • Piggy-Packer lift capacity to 86,000 pounds
  • Loading ramp for direct transfer from end-dump to gondola
  • Conveyor system for bulk transfer between railcars and trucks
  • Paved outside storage
  • Railcar storage


A green train car with the Port of Montana printed on the side.

The Port has helped businesses across diverse industries flourish for the past 30 years. In fact, the Port has worked with clients in rail, agriculture, automobile, trucking, forest products, silicon, ore concentrates, fertilizer, road treatment, and fuels.  That means no matter what industry you’re in, the Port has the experience to tailor their services to your particular needs.

Safe & Secure facility

Like aforementioned, the Port has 124,000 square feet of indoor storage. All of that space is well lit and secured with 24/7 camera monitoring, so you don’t have to worry about your inventory’s security.

For more than 30 years the Port of Montana has helped customers expand their market. Now it’s your turn.

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